Teacher Achievement

Teacher Achievement
Sr.No. Teacher Name Achievement/Remarks/Other Detail Designation Details/Download Photo Shift
1 Mrs. Payal Bhattacharjee

(i) Mrs. Payal Bhattacharjee , PGT(C.Sc.) secured the highest Performance Index (PI) in Kolkata region for her subject Computer Sc. (PI=94.79) with 100 % result in AISSCE- 2017

(ii) She also secured the second highest PI in Kolkata region for her subject IP with PI=77.67 and also 100% result in AISSCE-2017

2 Miss Uttara Haldar

Miss Uttara Haldar, TGT(Social Sc.), teacher of this vidyalaya has received an award from Divisional Commisioner for BS&G for ahievements in Divisional level HWB in guiding on Thinking day i.e. 23-02-2012 at K V No.I Ishapore.

TGT(Social Sc.)